Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav on Saturday assigned portfolios, keeping the home department with himself while giving the finance ministry to deputy CM Jagdish Devda and public health to the other deputy CM, Rajendra Shukla. The present strength of the state cabinet, including the chief minister, is 31. The Madhya Pradesh cabinet can have a maximum of 35 ministers. Yadav, who became chief minister by replacing Shivraj Singh Chouhan after the BJP retained power in the last month's assembly elections, will also handle the General Administration Department (GAD), Public Relations, Jails, Mining, Aviation, Industrial Policies and Investment Promotion besides all other departments not specifically assigned to any minister, said a gazette notification issued by the GAD. Deputy CM Devda was given Commercial Tax department besides Finance. Devda was the finance minister in the Chouhan government too. Rajendra Shukla, the other deputy CM, was allocated Public Health and Medic...