Delhi Police is known for using entertaining and witty ways to educate the masses on various topics. The city's police department often uses quick wit to send out a clear message. Taking to Twitter on Monday, the police department shared a uniquely drafted special traffic advisory using a Neeraj Chopra analogy. It posted a photo along with a caption, "Be like #NeerajChopra. Win hearts, not Challans." The picture also came with a message for drivers and riders. "To drivers & riders, You are not Neeraj's javelin, and crossing the white lines will not get you points or medals," the post read. See the post here: Be like #NeerajChopra Win hearts, not Challans. — Delhi Police (@DelhiPolice) August 28, 2023 Since being posted, the tweet has amassed 4,700 views with several comments. A user wrote, "Good one." Another user commented on Twitter, "If the white line is not properly visible, a person should get the...