According to the tentative schedule, PM Modi will arrive at 7.15 am, followed by a puja 15 minutes later. He will enter the Lok Sabha chamber at 8.35 am. With carpets from Mirzapur in Uttar Pradesh, bamboo flooring from Tripura and stone carvings from Rajasthan, the new parliament building reflects India's diverse culture. The government has announced a commemorative Rs 75 coin to mark the historic event. The new parliament building, built by Tata Projects Ltd, has a grand constitution hall to showcase India's democratic heritage, a lounge for MPs, a library, multiple committee rooms, dining areas and ample parking space. The triangular-shaped four-storey building has a built-up area of 64,500 square metres. It has three main gates - Gyan Dwar, Shakti Dwar and Karma Dwar - and separate entrances for VIPs, MPs and visitors. The material used for the new building has been acquired from across the country. The teakwood was sourced from Maharashtra's Nagpur, while the red ...